Frequently Asked Questions


What is Project N95?

Project N95 was born of the COVID-19 Pandemic as the National Critical Equipment Clearinghouse for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and remains the trusted nonprofit source for masks, COVD-19 tests, and air quality products.

With established strategic relationships and partnerships in the healthcare field, our team of volunteers created Project N95 to provide equitable access to vetted, high-quality PPE during the height of supply shortages and severely disrupted supply chains.

Our team developed a comprehensive review process that ensures the authenticity and quality of all products offered on our website.

Three years later, we still provide respiratory protection to the general public through our donations and nonprofit marketplace. Our mission has expanded, however, to focus on the very air you breathe—Project N95 is dedicated to bringing clean air to all with masks, air purifiers, and other air quality products in the shop and with our charitable programs.

Purchases through our store and partnerships with key manufacturers have allowed us to donate over 3 million masks and hundreds of air purifiers to those in need throughout the US. If you need a donation of masks or would like to be considered for a donation of an air purifier, please reach out to our team.

What are the different types of masks?

N95 masks are certified and regulated by NIOSH—the CDC’s National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health. All N95s must meet rigorous criteria for manufacturing, labeling, fit, and filtration.

When shopping for an N95, you’ll probably notice that it typically comes with head straps rather than ear-loops to ensure a tight, secure fit.

N95s are commonly used in occupations that require respiratory protection, such as manufacturing, construction, and health care. While they were difficult to find at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in supply has made them widely available. N95 masks are a safe and effective masking option for members of the general public. Read more about N95 masks in our guide.

KF94 masks are certified and regulated by the Korean government. They must filter at least 94% of certain airborne particles.

When shopping for a KF94, you’ll find that it typically uses with ear loops and often comes in the 3D tri-fold or boat shape that is popular for giving more room to breathe inside the mask.

KF94 masks were developed to help protect the Korean public against the notorious yellow dust that originates from the dry desert regions of inland Asia. This has resulted in production and standards that are consumer-friendly, including aesthetic designs, readily-available sizing for children as young as two, and convenient individual packaging. Read more about KF94 masks in our guide.

KN95 masks are made to a Chinese standard that, like N95s, must filter at least 95% of certain airborne particles.

When shopping for a KN95, you’ll see that it typically comes with ear loops rather than head straps, which many members of the general public prefer.

Unlike N95s, KN95s aren’t certified and regulated by NIOSH. In fact, KN95s are produced to a self-attestation standard, meaning that any company can produce these masks but must be able to prove to Chinese regulators upon request that they are compliant.

This has resulted in some KN95 masks being produced to a sub-standard level, although Project N95 carefully reviews every KN95 in the nonprofit shop to ensure it is safe and effective. Legitimate KN95 masks are a good masking option for members of the general public. Read more about KN95 masks in our guide.

Are all masks individually wrapped?

No, masks are not required to be individually wrapped. In fact, before the pandemic, N95 masks were rarely individually wrapped because industrial buyers preferred to avoid excess packaging. As a result, many of our manufacturers do not individually wrap their masks. They instead use special shrink wrapping or tamper proof seals.

If you would like to browse all individually-wrapped masks, click here to see all the options. If you are shopping on a product category page, you can also filter for individually wrapped masks by expanding the "packaging filter" and selecting "single wrap."

How can I get masks from Project N95?

Our nonprofit shop is available online 24/7 until December 15th, 2023. If you're unable to afford masks from the shop, please reach out to us through our donation form! We take hardship requests from those in need.

Charitable Donations

Can I donate to Project N95?

Yes—thank you for thinking of us!

Please visit our donation page to make your contribution.

Project N95 is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (EIN is 85-0570065) and has exclusive legal control over the contributed funds or assets. Your support to Project N95 is tax deductible to the maximum extent provided by law, as no goods or services have been provided as consideration for your gift.

Does Project N95 accept grants?

Yes—we're honored that you're considering us! Please send an email to, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

What is your donor privacy policy?

Project N95 respects your privacy. When you make a financial or in-kind donation, we collect your name and contact information in order to provide updates on the impact of your contributions and to be able to communicate with you. Project N95 will not sell, share, or trade donors’ personally identifiable information with any other entity. For more information, please see our privacy policy.